Category Archives: News

Click Chemistry Immobilization of Antibodies on Gold Nanoparticle

Click Nano Click chemistry is a chemical tool that allow the instantaneous and quantitative ligation between two molecules. In a paper recently published on Langmuir, researchers from CNR-ISTM, Nanobiolab (University of Milan Bicocca) and Labion (FDG), this powerful chemical reaction has been applied...
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Exosomes in pathological conditions

Labion was present at "Exosomes in pathological conditions: new insights for biomarker development and therapeutic applications" . Last week AICC (Associazione Italiana Colture Cellulari) succesfully organized the first edition of a conference on the role of exosomes as biomarkers in Rome. The conference, held at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, had more than 100...
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Fondazione Don Gnocchi hosted Enatrans consortium meeting

  enatrans2 In May 17-18, Fondazione Don Gnocchi hosted the ENATRANS consortium meeting. ENATRANS is an Horizon 2020 project which aims to network and support SMEs in translation of Nanomedicine in Europe by providing up-to-date information (i.e. approval processes, regulatory authorities and agencies, clinical and market data)...
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Labion @ISEV2016

isevThe international society for extracellular vesicles (ISEV), focused on all aspects of extracellular vesicles investigations, had organized its annual meeting ISEV2016 in Rotterdam from May 4th and May 7th where scientists from around the globe had the opportunity to share their latest information on extracellular...
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