Category Archives: News

Andrea Sguassero joins Labion. (Radio Don Gnocchi interview)

Il Laboratorio di Nanomedicina e Biofotonica Clinica (LABION) della Fondazione Don Gnocchi è lieto di accogliere un nuovo membro del team: Andrea Sguassero. Il Dott Sguassero ha scelto di svolgere il suo tirocinio per la laurea magistrale in biotecnologie presso il nostro laboratorio lavorando al progetto "NanoPlasmiRNA" . NanoPlasmiRNA è uno...
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Labion at ETPN 2016

  etpn-foto Labion was present at ETPN 2016. The European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine General Assembly was held in Heraklion (Greece) October 12-14. It was the opportunity to learn and discuss about the future of nanomedicine in Europe and about the new opportunities for funding and to...
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