Amrita Sahu recently joined LABION as visiting scientist. She is a doctoral student working in the lab of Dr. Fabrisia Ambrosio in the McGowan Institute, established by the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC.
We want to thank Amrita for her interesting talk about the ongoing projects in the field of regenerative rehabilitation at Dr. Ambrosio...
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About: Labion
Recent Posts by Labion
Amrita joined LABION
Labion was present at "The Biomarkers and Biogenesis of Extracellular Vesicles Workshop" (BBEV2018 in Padua).
Dr. Silvia Picciolini and Dr. Cristiano Carlomagno presented their posters entitled: "Detection and characterization of brain-derived plasma exosomes by surface plasmon resonance imaging" and "Raman spectroscopy for the molecular profiling of extracellular vesicles in Parkison’s disease".
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Dr. Marzia Bedoni participates at CLINAM 2018 with a booth and a talk on exosomes research activity!...
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Plasma Exosomes by Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging
Congratulations to Silvia Picciolini!
Her work on the detection of brain derived exosomes by SPRi technology has been accepted by Analytical Chemistry and is now available online.
This work is the result of a great team work within LABION and of the collaboration with Prof. Masserini of...
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Welcome Cristiano!
Since Monday 2nd July, Dr. Cristiano Carlomagno is part of the LABION team!
Cristiano is a biotechnologist, he obtained his master's degree in Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology at University of Perugia in 2014 and he is now ready to defend his PhD thesis completed at the Biotech Research Center of University of Trento, where he focused his research activity on the evaluation...
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Fondazione Don Gnocchi supports DigiTwins
European Commission supports DigiTwins
On 18th May, DigiTwins received an invitation from the European Commission to enter the next stage of the competition to become an EU Flagship for Future and Emerging Technologies. DigiTwins, a large research initiative in Europe and beyond aims...
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LABION is part of ICRR
LABION has officially established a scientific collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), a very high level clinical, innovative and scientific center sited in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA) which includes also an area dedicated to rehabilitation.
In particular, Fondazione Don Gnocchi, with delegate Dr. Marzia Bedoni, has joined the International Consortium for Regenerative Rehabilitation...
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Two positions for master’s thesis available
Il team LABION offre due posti per tesi di laurea Magistrale a studenti dei corsi di laurea in Biotecnologie, CTF, biologia o fisica interessati a lavorare sulle tematiche di ricerca del LABION.
In particolare, gli studenti saranno coinvolti nei progetti attualmente in corso sull'utilizzo delle tecniche di biofotonica nella detezione e caratterizzazione di nuovi biomarcatori per...
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Spring news from LABION
Spring has come and has brought exciting scientific events for learning, networking and tightening collaboration!
LABION has started an intense month of meetings with BioNanoMed2018 in Graz (Austria). Andrea Sguassero has presented his thesis work carried out in the framework of an Euronanomed project (NanoPlasmiRNA) about SPRi detection of miRNAs related to...
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Silvia @UPMC
Silvia Picciolini, Labion researcher and UNIMIB PhD candidate, is going to spend 3 months as visiting scientist at UPMC to deepen the field of regenerative rehabilitation.
This is a great opportunity for Silvia, for Labion and for Fondazione Don Gnocchi, to tighten the collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh which is now leading...
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Who we are.
Labion is a newly established but already International recognized, research laboratory focused on the
application of advanced optical techniques and nanomaterials in medicine.
What we have done.
Several scientific articles, international patents and granted project s are the result of innovation and networking actions.
What we can do.
We develop new nanotechnologies and new biophotonics methods by using a multidisciplinary approach at the level of molecules, cells and tissues.