LABION@ Tech4EvIta

Tech4EVIta Workshop held on 18-20 September in Trieste, hosted by Area Science Park. The workshop was organized by EVIta Society (Italian Society for Extracellular Vesicles), which promotes basic, clinical and translational research activities and the interactive network among Italian researchers in the field of extracellular vesicles.

The workshop was focused on advanced technologies to separate and characterize EVs and included seminars from distinguished and expert lecturers, selected oral presentations and posters exhibition. Networking between partecipants was the common thread, thanks to time for discussion and social events. Additionally, the participants had the opportunity to try different innovative EV characterization techniques trough “hands on activities”  and to visit Elettra Sincrotone.

LABION contribution consisting of an oral presentation about Raman Spectroscopy application for the characterization of murine serum extracellular vesicles after neuromuscular electrical stimulation, and a poster, introduced by a flash oral presentation, about the characterization of extracellular vesicles by surface plasmon resonance imaging technique in order to identify biomarker of rehabilitation in patients after heart transplantation.

It was a great opportunity for our team took part in such a stimulating and interesting event like this!

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