The Ninth Edition of NanoInnovation Conference and Exhibition took place on 9-13 September at La Sapienza University, in Rome. The event represents a well-established national meeting point for the wide and multidisciplinary community involved in the development of nanotechnology and its integration with other key enabling technologies in all fields of application.

Since 2019, Dr.ssa Marzia Bedoni, head of Labion, together with Prof. Giovanni Tosi (Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia) organize a workshop on nanomedicine. Successful stories, recent progress in academic research and in technologies for advanced characterization of nanomedices have been addressed this year.

Moreover, LABION group made valuable contributions to the conference with presentations on the topics of extracellular vesicles and lipid nanoparticles.
– Alice Gualerzi chaired two sessions about EVs in reproduction. She also gave a talk on the interdisciplinary aspect of nanomedicine for the Younginnovation event
– Francesca Rodà had a talk about the mRNA-LNP Ex Vivo Interactions with Human Whole Blood
– Aurora Mangolini presented our project on extracellular vesicles as biomarkers of the regenerative mechanisms induced by rehabilitation after heart transplantation

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this workshop.
To the speakers for the expertise, insights, and inspiring presentations
To the participants for questions and support.

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